“Building a legacy of a safe and financially accountable RTD system is my commitment as a member of the Board”

- Patrick O’Keefe

RTD District H Candidate

Help Elect Patrick

It means the world to have your support in any capacity, but if you’d like to go the extra mile to help ensure a safe and accountable future for RTD, you can donate to Patrick’s campaign here.

About Patrick

Patrick has spent his career working at the cross section of infrastructure development and public policy.  Starting his career on Capitol Hill working for Colorado Congressman Dan Schaefer on a wide range of issues, he learned the importance of thoughtful collaboration and principled stands on the most important issues. 

He transitioned to practical implementation of policy ideas working in the private sector.  As a senior executive for a Colorado-based Fortune 500 engineering company, he was able to work with teams delivering some of the most iconic and challenging infrastructure in the world…and right here in Colorado.  In 2020, he started a growing small business focused on infrastructure advisory services helping clients build projects on-schedule and within budget to solve the needs of a growing Front Range economy.

Patrick and his wife Karen raised three children in Highlands Ranch, where they have lived for over two decades. He is active in the community serving on the board of a non-profit committed to food security.  In his free time, he loves playing ice hockey, fly fishing, bumbling around a golf course and reading history

Patrick’s Vision for RTD


Rising crime rates and an increasing number of reported incidents by both RTD passengers and staff show an urgent need for action and change. RTD services are only as viable as they are safe. A renewed commitment to rider and employee safety across RTD is necessary to ensure that it can continue to grow and best meet the needs of everyone involved in the operation of RTD services.


Being transparent and accountable with regards to finance and operations must be the chief priority for RTD. In order to regain the trust of both riders and taxpayers alike, RTD must make a commitment to sound long-term financial discipline.

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